

Since 1901 to 1975 , Malaysia was under the British. So all schools and universities taught in English. After 1975, Malaysia was a free country. So all schools and universities taught in Malaysia.

Malaysia became an official languor in 2003, preminstor wanted to use English teach for math and science in schools. Many people was not happy with programme. In 2008, after 6 year in school, students sat national promeroyschool exams. The result was 31% people anserw qusesion in English, while 46% people answer qusesion in Malaysia.

Many people was not happy, because they wanted gaverment to change to Malaysia. people said this programe: "It put Malaysia in bed position espect rural Malaysia. It is against National Langue Policy. Malaysia Langue will disappear. " So Goverment must decide to contnue or
